Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Earth Hour 2013 - Join me!

Get ready to flip the switch. We're counting down to Earth Hour!

In case you haven't noticed the clock and logo in my sidebar, Earth Hour 2013 is Saturday, March 23, 8:30 p.m. your local time. And for those of you joining us for the first time, Earth Hour is a worldwide awareness event during which participants unplug all nonessential appliances and turn off all the lights for one hour. It is cool, it is fun, and yes, it is real. In fact, it has become huge.

The team of people behind this wonderfully dark demonstration have been posting some interesting news and ideas on their Earth Hour Blog. Here's just a glimpse of the topics:

  • Did you know that some hotels and casinos have been taking Earth Hour beyond the hour by extinguishing some of their lights for one hour every month? While it's primarily a symbolic gesture, it does have the practical application of a slight reduction in energy usage, and even a tiny decrease is better than an increase. I mean, you've seen how well-lit casinos are.

  • Meanwhile, chefs all over the world are making an all-around green event out of Earth Hour. Restaurant patrons can dine on sustainable food items during the candlelit meal, while home cooks can try out some Earth Hour recipes created by their favorite celebrity chefs.

  • Kids tend to latch onto an idea and become some of the most passionate activists, don't they? Some youngsters are doing some pretty cool things, extending Earth Hour into broader environmental campaigns.

What do I love about Earth Hour?

It's so visual. When you can see your city's landmarks go dim, suddenly the night sky is clearer, and so is the message.

It's impactful. If one hour of lights out can make a measurable difference, just imagine the difference we could all make by being just a little more mindful of what we could unplug every day.

But most of all, it's so easy! Just turn off all of your lights and—I feel like I have to throw this in every year—unplug your dang phone charger!

I will if you will. And I will, so...

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