Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Mini Lemon Crepe Cakes For Two

Roses are red... sugar is sweet... Yes, I like Valentine's Day, and I prefer the simple, sweet celebrations over grandiose (expensive and stressful) romantic ordeals.

A short story: One Valentine's Day when Len and I were engaged (20 years ago yesterday, in fact), I had a romantic vision of an elegant home-cooked dinner and dessert for two. A recipe for roast chicken that was anecdotally so good it would make your sweetheart propose to you on the spot—was just roast chicken with lemons. It was good (because roast chicken is good!), but we weren't blown away. Maybe the recipe writer (and her now spouse) ever made roast chicken, and that's why they both thought it was so impressive. For dessert, a rhubarb soufflĂ©, for which we spent far too long in the grocery store trying to find fresh rhubarb, and then we had become too invested to abandon the recipe, so we settled on purchasing rhubarb jam and hoped to improvise. The soufflĂ© did not turn out great. In hindsight, I shouldn't have trusted a recipe that calls for rhubarb in February. Just because it's pink doesn't mean it's in season for Valentine's Day.

Since then, we typically have pizza or some other easy dinner on Valentine's Day so we can just crash on the couch and relax. I'm more inclined to put effort into the dessert.

I've posted here about a few of those desserts:
This year, my sweet endeavor was Lemon Mascarpone Crepe Cake. Time consuming, but not difficult.

I adapted this recipe from Completely Delicious:

First, I halved everything, because it's just the two of us. I used my lunch break (benefit of working from home) to make the crepe batter, the lemon curd, and some candied lemon peel, so the batter and curd could chill in the fridge the rest of the day. (Note: My candied lemon peel took a lot less than 20 minutes in the third stage of this recipe. Thinking I had more time, I wasn't watching it closely, and I got hard candy.)

Second, I did not have heavy cream, so I whipped my mascarpone with a splash (two tablespoons-ish) of whole milk and some powdered sugar. (I did this in the evening, right before assembling the cake)

Third, in the evening when I made the crepes, I used this tiny single-egg pan to make little crepes, instead of an ordinary 10-inch crepe pan. 

The size of the crepes doesn't change the flavor or—this is important to note—the time it takes to make them, so do what you want. I cut the recipe in half but still wanted to prioritize the height of the cake, so I decided to make two small individual cakes, stacking many small crepes instead of one larger, shorter cake out of half as many regular-sized crepes. Half the crepe batter recipe in my small pan created 33 4-inch crepes. Cooking the crepes one at a time, 1-2 minutes per crepe... Yeah, it took an hour. Plan for that.

Lastly, the additional decorations are hearts cut out of fruit leather.

The recipe linked above is a good one, but you could use your own favorite recipes for crepes, lemon curd, and mascarpone cream, and start stacking, alternately filling each layer with curd and cream. Or, don't stack the crepes into a cake and just eat them folded and filled. It's all good.
