Many of the seeds we planted last month in our community garden plot sprouted in just a few days. That whole first week, I was so diligent, rising early every morning to haul water to the site and soak each mound of bare earth, and it was exciting to see so quickly the fat seed leaves of the pumpkin, squash and watermelon and the yellow-green shoots of the corn ("Is that grass or corn? It might just be grass, but I think it's the corn. It's gotta be the corn!"). Since then, we've had a lot of rain (and, wow, does that garden turn into a mud pit!). I think I've watered the garden myself just once in the last three weeks. This weekend, I finally took our "finished" compost (the stuff that looks like rich soil with broken egg shells in it) and piled a handful or two around the base of each plant. Good fertilizer. I hope it helps along the blossoming and fruiting and such. The plants are all doing pretty well—the pumpkin especially took off—so here are some photos of our four-week-old garden.
Almost 20 stalks of corn, blowing in the wind.
The tiniest cucumber you ever saw and some other promising blossoms.
The pumpkin patch.
The butternut squash plants show signs of blossoming.